Trees are in invaluable element to residential landscapes. Among other things, they filter toxins from the air, release fresh oxygen back into the atmosphere, create natural shade, and even keep your home cooler during the summer. However, there are times when a tree should be removed, which is something we’re going to discuss today.
#1) Fungi Growing Around the Trunk
It’s not uncommon for mold, mushrooms and other fungi to grow on trees. Normally, this doesn’t cause any problems. But if fungi is growing around the base of the trunk, it could indicate serious disease, in which case you may want to remove the tree.
#2) Tree Cankers
Are there areas of the tree that’s missing bark? Known as “tree cankers,” this is typically a sign of disease or serious injury. Depending on the severity of the cankers, you may want to remove the tree before it falls over. This is particularly true if the cankers are growing in size or spreading to other parts of the tree.
#3) Falling Branches
Of course, another sign that your tree should be removed is falling branches. You can expect trees to shed some small branches during high winds – and that’s okay. If the tree is shedding lots of branches while the other trees surrounding it are not, though, it’s probably dead or dying.
#4) Not Budding
If a flowering tree isn’t budding, it’s probably suffering from an underlying health issue. Granted, you can wait another season to see if it buds. Sometimes trees get stuck in a dormant state for a prolonged length, and that extra season can help them emerge and bud. If your tree still doesn’t bud after this period, you should consider removing it from your landscape.
#5) Decay
Perhaps the most tell-tale sign that you should remove a tree is decay. Being that trees are organic, they are susceptible to decay just like all other organic matter. A living and healthy tree, however, shouldn’t decay. If you discover fallen branches that are rotted out, you can assume other parts of the tree are decayed as well.
#6) Leaf Scorch
Leaf scorch is a bacterial infection that’s characterized by the presence of red and yellow lines around the leaves, making them look “scorched.” Because it’s easily spread by insects, you should remove infected trees from your landscape as soon as possible.
Case Mountain Tree Services offers tree removal in Eastern Connecticut.